Relación de la pareja
La relación que tuvieron fue tanto tierna como tormentosa. Morrison no dudaba en relacionarse con otras mujeres -si le atraían, hecho que Pamela compensaba siendo tan infiel como pudiese.
A la larga, fue Pamela quien parcialmente influenció a Jim a que se exiliase a París con la idea de empezar desde cero sin problemas, ser un poeta, mas no una estrella de rock, así mismo, quería guardarse a Jim solo para ella. Jim apoyó esta idea cuando recordó lo mucho que le gustaría ser un escritor de obras de teatro y llegar a componer una ópera de rock.
La banda nunca aceptó la presencia de Pam en los ensayos, ni en el estudio; de hecho, los Doors siempre vieron a Pam como un obstáculo en la vida de Jim, puesto que ella lo celaba a tiempo completo y generalmente ella quería a Jim solo para ella, todo el tiempo, pero debido a la naturaleza conquistadora de Morrison, Pam debía ver gradualmente como Jim se inclinaba por otras relaciones, para luego regresar a Pam cuando ya nadie estaba ahí.
Pamela murió tres años después que Morrison, por una sobredosis de heroína, en circunstancias bastante extrañas. Los amigos que vivían en el mismo apartamento con Pam aseguraban que ella alucinaba con la imagen de Jim, y se sentía culpable por su muerte, así como también se había acentuado su consumo de drogas; por otro lado, Pam fue prostituida por el ex-chofer de Jim. El cadáver de Pam fue encontrado en la sala del departamento, cerca de unos paquetes de heroína, hacia las 11 de la noche. La autopsia dictaminó "muerte por sobredosis", sin embargo, las versiones entre los compañeros de cuarto de Pam son confusas, ya que mientras unos dicen que Pam estaba sola en el cuarto, otros acotan que Pam había salido con uno de ellos a comprar comida, otra versión indicaba que uno de los compañeros cocinó la cena con Pam y que luego de irse por un momentos, había ocurrido la tragedia; El caso fue un completo misterio.
En su funeral, los Doors pidieron que nadie fuese vestido de negro, quizá por alguna petición de Pam o sencillamente formalidades de la familia de la novia, no se sabe. Ray Manzarek tocó una notas de las canciones "Orange Country Girl", y otras composiciones que Jim supuestamente había dedicado a Pamela, ninguno de los asistentes hizo un comentario acerca de la forma cómo vivió, murió o lo de Jim, solo fueron a su funeral y guardaron silencio.
Pamela fue cremada y sepultada en un nicho de un cementerio cerca a Disneylandia. En su lápida, aparece con el apellido Morrison, tal como lo soñó, ser la esposa de Jim. Lo más curioso es que tiempo después, cuando la película de los Doors (con Val Kilmer interpretando a Jim Morrison) iba a ser filmada, el director mantuvo un litigio legal con los padres de Pam, de los cual surgió un contrato en el cual el director no podía mostrar a Pam como la responsable directa por la muerte de Jim Morrison.
Datos de Pam:
Name: Pamela Susan Courson
Born place: Weed, California, USABorn
date: December 22, 1946
Death date: April 25, 1974
Death place: Los Angeles, California, USA
Death was caused by: acute heroin morphine intoxication, injection of overdose
Parents: The father Columbus Courson and the mother Pearl Schmidt
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Red
Build: Slim
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Other names: Pam Courson
Spouse: No husband
Children: No children
Last occupation: sales
Studies: Orange High School never finished and attended Capistrano Valley High School
Biography and Career:
Pamela Courson met the famous Jim Morrison who was a famous vocalist of the band The Doors when she was a student. She worked for a short time like sales but she give up at that because she was leaving with her lover. Because Jim was traveling a lot with his band Pamela went with him everywhere at concerts and took care of him and we can say that was like a job for her and she made a career by traveling and taking care of Jim and the band. In the same time looks like Pamela had a boutique that was borough by Jim for her.
Why was Pamela Courson famous?
Pamela Courson was famous because she was the girlfriend of the famous vocalist of the famous band The Doors. She was a beautiful woman and she gained the love of the man and he took her everywhere in his concerts and because of that she became famous.
Why do we like Pamela Courson?
We like Pamela Courson because she was a beautiful young lady, very smart who was studying arts at L.A. City College when she met the love of her life, the vocalist from the band The Doors, Jim Morrison
Pam… sus primeros años:
The beautiful woman Pamela Courson was born on December 22, 1946 in Weed, California, USA and she died on April 25, 1974 in Los Angeles, California, USA because of an acute heroin morphine intoxication, injection of overdose. Pamela was born in a normal family and beautiful. Her mother was Pearl Schmidt and her father was Columbus Courson.
Pamela grew up in her town with her entire family and she was a pretty girl since she was young. She had a big defect and was that one that she hated school and she started to study at Orange High School but she never finished and attended Capistrano Valley High School. At that time were a lot of rumors that she left her home and moved in Los Angeles in an apartment with a friend and also that Neil Young wrote the song "Cinnamon Girl" about her.
Looks like in one night when Pamela was student at L.A. City College she went in a night club with some friends and there she met the famous vocalist of the famous band The Doors named Jim Morrison and they became friends and in a very short time they became lovers and Pamela moved in his apartment lo live together. At that time appeared a lot of rumors about this thing and all the magazines and newspapers wrote about that because Pamela was initially courted by Arthur Lee, of the Californian band Love, who brought The Doors to the attention of Elektra Records boss Jac Holzman.
The relationship of Pamela with Jim Morrison was very controversial because of their many sexual excursions by both partners. The magazines and the newspapers wrote many ugly things about them but they never cared because they were very happy and in love. Pamela and Jim made a beautiful couple and they were together everywhere. Because the band was very famous and they had concerts in the entire world and sang about drugs and had a strange way of life Pamela was rumored a lot that she became like Jim and his band colleagues.
All the newspapers wrote that Pamela was consuming drugs, alcohol and all kind of things like that. Pamela was living with Jim Morrison and in the same time she was student at arts at L.A. City College and was a good one even she hated the school and that thing was because she was doing interesting things there. She finished her school and after that she didn't got a job because she was traveling all the time with Jim and they had a strange way of life.
Muerte de Pam y controversia:
Pamela Courson became the famous woman who was living with Jim Morrison the vocalist of the band named The Doors. She changed her way of life and traveled with Jim and the band in the entire world and she was something like the person who takes care of the image and the good thing of a band. She was all the time with her lover Jim and she was very happy for that.
This little red-haired girl had a huge impact on Morrison, who called her his "cosmic mate" and dedicated his self-published books of poetry to her, plus he wrote songs such as "Love Street" for her. He even left his entire estate to her in his will. Pamela Courson started to consume drugs with Jim and they became dependent on those things because they couldn't do anything without the pills.
In one day, after Jim took too much drugs he felt very bad and went to make a bath in the bathtub. He stayed there many hours and Pamela went to see what he was doing. She found him death in the bathtub and the doctors said the he died because of a heart failure. She was very sad and traumatized because of that and she felt that her entire life will end there. After Jim's death Pamela started to consume more and more drugs and to have some mental instability. She felt very bad and she didn't speak with anyone.
On April 25, 1974, she died of a heroin overdose on the living room couch at the Los Angeles apartment she shared with two male friends. She was mental instable because all the time she said that Jim is not dead or things like she will meet Jim soon. Her parents wanted to buried her in the same place where Jim was buried but they couldn't do that and she was buried at Fairhaven Memorial Park in Santa Ana, California, under the name "Pamela Susan Morrison".
After her death her parent wanted to have all the fortune of Jim Morrison because they said that Pamela was like his wife and they deserve the money. The parents of Jim wasn't agree with that thing and they contested their executorships of the estate. After many years of controversial things neither Morrison nor Courson was ever a resident of Colorado.
The life of Pamela and Jim was very well put in screen by the famous Oliver Stone who made a movie named The Doors and there he explained their lives.
Pamela Susan Courson nació el 22 de Diciembre de 1946 en Weed California,era la hija de un director de secundaria del Condado de Orange.Conoció a Jim Morrison cuando apenas tenía 19 años en ese entonces era una estudiante de arte en el Angeles City College,ella se convertiría en su novia durante los próximos 5 años, hasta su muerte en 1971. Pam sería la más importante en la vida de Jim; se conocieron en un verano en Venice Beach, ella era una hermosa chica frágil, pelirroja, de piel pálida y con pecas color canela, apasionada por la vida hippie. Jim la tomó bajo su cuidado, presentándola a las drogas psicodélicas y a la poesía.
Pam acompañaba frecuentemente a Jim y bailaba un poco en uno de los clubes, hasta que Morrison le pidió que lo dejara de hacer. Durante las primeras épocas, ellos compartían un pequeño departamento en Laurel Canyon. Aunque ellos estaban profundamente enamorados, también estaban dentro de un mundo de peleas y abusos constantes mutuos. Sin embargo Pamela fue la única mujer que seguiría al lado de Jim. Y a pesar de que ambos tuvieron amoríos con otras personas, al final siempre regresaron y se mantenían juntos hasta el final; Jim decía que eran una "pareja cósmica". A pesar de que nunca se casaron, Pamela tomó el apellido Morrison mas tarde,durante su relación y hasta su propia muerte. El fatídico 3 de Julio de 1971, Pamela fue la última compañía de Jim, y aquella que descubriría su cadáver en la bañera del departamento parisino.Después, Pam llevaría una vida de excesos y miseria, que la llevó incluso a vender su cuerpo vulgarmente.
Pamela Susan Morrison murió el 25 de Abril de 1974 a causa de una sobredosis de heroína en su departamento de Hollywood. A pesar del hecho que sus padres iban a enterrar sus restos con los de Jim en el Pére Lachaise (París, Francia) y de hecho su padre mencionó aquel lugar como el sitio de entierro en su certificado de muerte, había demasiado papeleo implicado en transportar el cuerpo a un país extranjero para el entierro. Finalmente sus padres la cremaron y depositaron sus cenizas en el Fairhaven Memorial Park en Santa Ana,California.
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